Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Familia se forma en el amor y no en la sangre.

Familia se forma en el amor y no en la sangre.
Es excelente línea de Mi nombre es Khan, película que vi por accidente hoy.
El héroe Kan es un Indan y un musulmán , pero él tiene un poco diferente con los normales.
No estoy diciendo que su coeficiente intelectual es de 168 y él es un hombre con discapacidad intelectual .
Quiero decir, él es el hombre que es honesto que cualquier otra parte del mundo y tiene un punto de vista de ver un mundo puro y correcto.
En su infancia , su madre le dijo que viera a un pueblo a través de dentro y no fuera . Después de ese momento, él no juzga a una persona con prejuicios.
En la película, la gente no puede entender la manera de pensar de Khan .
Por ejemplo , se enamoró y se casó con la bella dama , Mandira .
Él es un musulmán , pero ella es hindú , por lo tanto , ella es una madre soltera que tiene un hijo .
A pesar de que su hermano menor, un musulmán devoto , se oponen desesperadamente de Khan, que nunca cedió a él, porque la diferencia entre las religiones no es un asunto para él.
Pero la mayoría de la gente no piensa así. Desde los ataques terroristas de 2001 en los EE.UU. , los católicos han llovido golpes indiscriminados contra los musulmanes como si fueran terroristas sin excepción. No debemos juzgar a una persona por la riqueza de uno como este , la religión no puede ser la norma de la personalidad de uno .
Familia se forma en el amor y no en la sangre. Esa es la palabra que Khan se dio cuenta cuando la familia de Marcos, que fueron los católicos y la familia de Khan , que eran los musulmanes tenían una cena agradable juntos. La gente vive sus vidas en la fe , pero no entiende las palabras de Dios y no hay acción le siguió. ¿No es que la enseñanza básica de la religión es amar a la gente y perdonando enemigo?
"El Dios dijo que él no nos juzga por la doctrina y la carrera, pero nos juzga por nuestras obras " Sólo recuerdo esta línea.
Cuando vi esta película , se me ocurrió con el presidente Manhee Lee quien dirigió católica y el Islam a firmar el acuerdo de paz para poner fin a la guerra y el logro de la paz mundial .
He mencionado económicas veces acerca Presidente Manhee Lee en este blog y creo que él es verdaderamente activista por la paz que hacer la paz en estos días .

El musulmán 'Khan' y la mujer hindú "Mandira 'en la película' Mi nombre es Khan '

Family is formed on love not on blood.

Family is formed on love not on blood.
It's outstanding line from My name is Khan, Movie that I saw accidentally today.
The hero Kan is an Indan and a Muslim but he has a little different with normals.
I'm not telling that his IQ is 168 and he is a man with intellectual disability.
I mean, he is the man who is honest than anyone else in the world and has a point of view to see a world pure and right.
In his childhood, his mother told him to see a people through inside not outside. After that moment, he doesn't judge a person with prejudice.
In the movie, people can't understand Khan's way of thinking.
For example, he fell in love and married the beautiful lady, Mandira.
He is a muslim but she is hindu therefore, she is a single mother who has a child.
Even though his younger brother, a devout Muslim, desperately oppose to Khan, he never yield to him because difference between religions is no matter to him.
But most people don't think like that. Since the 2001 terrorist attacks on the U.S., The catholics have rained indiscriminate blows on the muslims as if they were terrorists without exception. We should not judge a person by one's wealth like this, the religion can't be the standard of one's personality.
Family is formed on love not on blood. That is the word that Khan realized when Mark's family who were the Catholics and Khan's family who were the muslims had an enjoyable dinner together. People live their lives in belief but doesn't understand the words of GOD and there's no action followed him. Isn't it that the basic teaching of religion is loving people and forgiving enemy ?
"The GOD told that he doesn't judge us by doctrine and race but judges us by our deeds" I just remember this line.
As I saw this movie , I came up with Chairman Manhee Lee who led Catholic and Islam to sign the peace agreement for ending the war and achieving World Peace.
I've mentioned serveral times about Chairman Manhee Lee in this blog and I think he is truly peace activist who make the peace in these days.

The Muslim 'Khan' and the Hindu wife 'Mandira' in the movie 'My name is Khan'

who make the peace in these days

There are many peace activists and advocates. Nelson Mandela who worked against the racism in South Africa, Aung San Suu Kyi who worked for Burman human rights and democracy, Yasser Arafat, Shimon Peres, Yitzhak Rabin who has worked and been working for peace in Milddle East, Mother Teresa who devoted her life for the poor in India, and Shirin Ebadi who worked for human right of women and children and so on are awarded Nobel Prize for peace. These has devoted their whole life with abandoning themselves. Now in this time, there is a one who are working for the peace with rounding the Earth in Korea. He is the peace advocate, Man-hee Lee. He went to Mindanao of Philippines in Jan, 2014. There has been the conflict for 40 years between the Catholic, the army from the government, and the Islam, MILF. People in Mindanao has suffered from it. Despite this situation, Man-hee Lee went to Mindanao and contributed to intervene for the peace treaty between each religion. They signed the peace treaty, and declared the end of war in front of many believers of Catholic and Islam and youngsters. Nobody have brought the peace in Mindanao, but through him, true peace finally comes. Even now, Mr. Man-hee Lee is still rounding the Earth for sending the message for world peace.

<A Filipino girl who appreciate to Korea where contributed for the end of war>

Missing : the aircraft of Malaysia

Some days ago, There was the issue that an aircraft from Malaysia to China was missing. There was no way to contact and no way to find. Eventually, we could know that the aircraft was exploded in the sky by the door of missing plane found at coastal sea of Vietnam. However, an article made me surprised that this is the one of possibility of terrorism to China. Because I heard there was terror near from China for the first time. The thing which I can't understand is why they insist their right by killing innocent people for vengence. Who is able to comfort the bereaved Chinese and Malaysian families who lost their family member suddenly? I deplore deeply that they can't think more humane, ethical and peaceful way. I wish there is the way of ceasing the conflict between the countries as soon as possible
Just as there was the peace agreement in Mindanao, Philippines, I hope the peace will come true by signing the peace agreement in the World. Also, I hope Mr. Manhee Lee, who contributed for the peace agreement in Mindanao, brings the true peace..