Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Dr.Jeff Halper who mediated for peace between Israel and Palestine

Dr.Jeff Halper was born at United States, and has lived in Israel since 1973. He is professor of Anthropology,activist for peace and the one who has 3 citizenship(United States, Israel, and Palestine).

His period of growth in United States is the base of becoming politician. the revolutionary mood in 1960s when Martin Luther King led the movement for human rights of Afro-Americans
and anti-war in Vietnam made him become politician. Also, the identity of Jew led him to become activist for peace. After he moved settlement on Israel in 1973, he kept leading movement in both Israel and occupied Palestine.

When bulldozers was destroying residents at the occupied territory, he blocked the way of them with Palestinians and rebuilt the destroyed house with them. In addition, he arrested 8 times.
He aslo organized ICAHD(Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions) with people who want peace in 1997. Because of this, he could get citizenship of Palestine despite he is an Israelite.

Dr. Halper who practiced peaceful action claimed, "Palestine must have their own nation and government, and Israel must leave from occupied territory.". However, what he felt sorry for is the ignorance of Israelites.
Though Israelites want peace, but the government insists that peace is impossible. Also without visiting the occupied territory, they don't realize how serious it is. Dr. Halper has done his best endeavors for peace between Israel and Palestine.
And he was nominated for Nobel Prize of Peace as a candidate. 

We have not visited the warplace. However, we know how the war dreadful is through internet and television.

There will be the true peace in Israel and Palestine. With looking forward to it, Let us become the peacemakers.


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